How to collect all Snapshots(BaselineSets) linked with Baseline?
How to collect all Snapshots(BaselineSets) linked with Baseline?
I have a Stream and i have created Baseline for Component In ALM.
I have created more than one Snapshot with the same reference of baseline(Baseline UUID).
In that case, how to collect all the BaselineSet which linked with Baseline(Baseline UUID)?
Note: Usually we can collect all the Baselines from BaselineSet.
But this is like reverse case, from Baseline collecting all the linked BaselineSets(Snapshots).
Accepted answer
I have tried that and it is not working for me.
Please find the code which i have used to identify all snapshot.
- Created object for IBaselineSetSearchCriteria
- Got List<IBaselineHandle> using getContainsBaselinesOptional and add my bselineHandle object into it.
- Have set ProcessArea for IBaselineSearchCriteria
- Called "findBaselineSets" method from WorkspaceManager class along with input parameter of IBaselineSetSearchCriteria.
This snippet is always returning empty list.
Kindly help me to resolve the issue.
Thanks in advance!!