Problems with RTC Jetty based setup - What is c:\testDB?
4 answers
The problem seems to be a problem in the SDK where the predefined configuration/setup of the derby data warehouse is not correct, see
as far as I can tell, the database c:\TestDB only gets created when one runs a setup against the "Jetty RTC Server.launch" launch. I can not find that this should be done in the workshop. You only log in and assign a license. You also create a project area, but that does not trigger creation of the data warehouse. Only running a setup seems to do that.
It can be avoided by adding the following line to the Jetty RTC Server.launch (e.g. as line 51):
<listEntry value="|value=${workspace_loc}/../server/conf/jazz/derby/warehouseDB"/>
Please note that the setup fails due to missing lifecycle admin capabilities and you have to use the custom setup.
Marko Tomljenovic
Apr 30 '18, 3:14 a.m.WHen searching for the text c:\testDB I found out that somehow the Unit tests for creating the data base are using this path somehow. But when running the tests I am already providing a different path for creating the database. And this is working fine, the database is created in my own custom folder.