Can we link testcase in RQM to requirement in DNG using REST APIs
I can create a testcase using POST request to RQM but when I sent requirement details in xml request sent for test case create then Test case is created but requirement is not linked with this tc.
Is there any different method for linking TC and Req. using REST APIs ??
Can somebody help here pls.
- Regards, Deepak
One answer
Looks like you're using the RQM Reportable REST API with a RQM OSLC API property (oslc_qm:validatesRequirement ). The RQM Reportable REST API does not support linking requirements to test artifacts (see Instead, use the RQM OSLC API.
Hi Abhishek,
Thank you for your response. So for example if I want to send requirement link in my POST for a test case. It won't work. Would it require to sent out a separate OSLC request ? if yes, Can I find anywhere simple case of linking a testcase with requirement.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns2:testcase xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns5=""
<ns3:description>Init text</ns3:description>
<ns2:category term="Functional Area" value="Module" />
<ns2:requirement href="" rel="validates" summary="460000: Dummy for P1 req" isSuspected="false" />
Thank you.