I'm trying to retrieve the history of a snapshot.
What is the correct way to get the full IFileItem/IFolder path
in the context of the recent changeset of a component baseline?
Using information from searching this forum and
the wordpress and SCM Lounge site's mentioned in this forum,
I've come up with the following method.
But it doesn't seem to work correctly.
What am I doing wrong?
Starting with a snapshot reference
UUID: [_82Vvo-7ZEeCnCsCCLJyoMA]
NAME: [2011_10_04_22_41_07_685 TestBuildDef_20111004-1842]
I get snapshot using
1) From the string UUID get object UUID using
UUID uuid = UUID.valueOf(id)
2) From the UUID get handle using
IBaselineSetHandle snapshotHandle = (IBaselineSetHandle) IBaselineSet.ITEM_TYPE.createItemHandle(uuid, null)
3) From handle get instance
IBaselineSet snapshot = (IBaselineSet) itemManager.fetchCompleteItem(snapshotHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor)
I get a list of baselines using
List<ibaselinehandle> baselineHandles = iBaselineSet.getBaselines()
Iterate over baselines using
IBaselineConnection baselineConnection = workspaceManager.getBaselineConnection(baselineHandle, null)
IBaseline baseline = baselineConnection.getResolvedBaseline()
IHistoricBaselineIterator history = baselineConnection.getBaselinesInHistory(1, monitor)
IBaselineHandle previousBaselineHandle = history.getBaselines().get(0)
IBaseline previousBaseline = (IBaseline) itemManager.fetchCompleteItem(previousBaselineHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor)
I get a list of changeSets using
IChangeHistory changeHistory = baselineConnection.changeHistory()
IConfiguration configuration = changeHistory.configuration()
List<IChangeHistoryEntryChange> recentChanges = changeHistory.getHistoryDescriptor(true, null).recent()
IChangeSetHandle changeSetHandle = iChangeHistoryEntryChange.changeSet();
IChangeSet changeSet = (IChangeSet) itemManager.fetchCompleteItem(changeSetHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor);
Iterate over changeSets using
IChange change = iChangeSet.changes();
Method 1
Iterate over changes using
int kind = change.kind()
IVersionableHandle before = change.beforeState()
IVersionableHandle after = change.afterState()
based on kind use before, after or both to determine paths
Determine paths using
(this doesn't seem to always give a path or the right path for the change)
ServiceConfigurationProvider configProvider = ServiceConfigurationProvider.FACTORY.create(baselineHandle);
IVersionable item = scmService.fetchState(afer, null, null);
IAncestorReport[] reports = scmService.configurationLocateAncestors(configProvider, iVersionableHandles, null, null);
List<INameItemPair> nameItemPairs = reports[0].getNameItemPairs();
join pairs to build path
Method 2
Get previous baseline configuration
IBaselineConnection previousBaselineConnection = workspaceManager.getBaselineConnection(previousBaselineHandle, null)
IConfiguration previousConfiguration = previousBaselineConnection.configuration()
Iterate over configuration tree to build up a configuration map to hold the Items/States of each node with there name and parent.
if it has state I first try
iFolder = (IFolder) versionableManager.fetchCompleteState(handle, monitor);
if it only has itemId then I use
iFolder = (IFolder) previousConfiguration.fetchCompleteItem(handle, monitor);
Iterate over changes using
get configuration of changeHistory being iterated over and containing changeSet
int kind = change.kind()
IVersionableHandle before = change.beforeState()
IVersionableHandle after = change.afterState()
based on kind use before, after or both to determine paths
get parent handle for IVersionable
get IFolder for handle using configuration ( at this point I get ItemNotFound exceptions from various IFolderhandle to IFolder queries )
If I do not get an exception add current IFolder of IFileItem to my configuration item/state map
Determine paths using
(this doesn't seem to always give a path or the right path for the change)
Keep looking up parent and finding it in configuration map to get name building up path.
The problem with this is the error's in previous step cause items to be missing in this baseline configuration current state map
Adam Hawks
Apr 14 '18, 12:01 a.m.https://github.ibm.com/awhawks/RTCSnapshots2git/tree/springJPA
Adam Hawks
Apr 15 '18, 12:11 a.m.The code is now on master branch at