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How Can I See Which Attributes are Changing in a Server-Side Pre-Condition?

Nate Decker (37814761) | asked Jan 05 '15, 4:45 p.m.

In our process, we disallow changes to work items once they have entered a "closed" state. In addition, only certain power users are allowed to re-open closed work items. One of our users has requested that we provide a means for them to add comments to closed work items, but continue to restrict all other changes.

We think the best way to support this would be to create a server-side pre-condition operation behavior that checks on work item save to see if the only change is an added comment. I'm unsure how to do this. I think I know how to check whether a specific attribute has changed by comparing the old state and the new state, but I have two issues with that approach:
1) I'm paranoid that it only works on follow-up actions, not pre-conditions.
2) I can't explicitly validate a list of work item attributes because that would make the code really complex and hard to maintain.

Is there a way to see what exactly changed in a work item without explicitly checking a specific attribute? Ideally, I'd like to get an enumerated list of changes.

Accepted answer

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Jan 05 '15, 5:53 p.m.
edited Jan 06 '15, 4:44 p.m.
1. works for pre-conditions
2. far as I know, there is no list of just changes

but you could make a list pretty easily..
from the oldState get the list of attributes
WorkItemServer.findAttributes(projectArea, monitor) - have to load access to the IWorkItemServer service
then loop thru the old-state workitem (hasAttribute == true)
  compare attribute old = new
     if not equal, add to a list collection
     if handles compare UUIDs for equal

once done, then process the list
Nate Decker selected this answer as the correct answer

Nate Decker commented Jan 06 '15, 8:37 a.m.

Thanks. That is helpful. I'll try to head down that route and if I'm successful, I'll come back and mark this answer as accepted.

sam detweiler commented Jan 06 '15, 8:41 a.m.

and u can see how to handle different attributes here in my utility that dumps the attributes of workitems found in a query result list (accepted answer)

static void printAttributes(IWorkItem workItem,

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