How to change the ID of an enumeration in RTC ?
Does anybody know how to change the ID of an enumeration in RTC ?
Directly in the database ? trough Eclipse IDE ?
I have a enumeration who is in use by approximativly 4300 workItems, and his attribut "ID" have a tabulation character that I want to remove because the RTC java api have a problem with this character in the "id" field.
2 answers
There are process XML based enumerations, there are database based enumerations. They might work different.
Anyway, what you could try - and I would suggest to do that on a test system first:
1. Add a new Enumeration literal to replace the broken one
2. Change all work item values from the broken literal to the new literal (use API or CSV import/export)
3. Remove the broken literal.
I don't know if this would work or not. I am pretty sure it would work with database based enumerations, I am not so sure about the Process XML based enumerations.