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How to use csv to create a new work item, and then import

Geoff Wang (2611) | asked Apr 03 '18, 7:03 p.m.
retagged Apr 06 '18, 1:32 p.m. by Michael Afshar (7014)


I am able to successfully export work items into a csv file, edit their "Status", import the csv file, and have the new Status reflected in the database.

However, I would like to know:  Is it possible to use csv file to create a new work item, and then import it?  Will RTC automatically generate a "Universal ID" for the new work item?  When I attempt to import the csv that contains a new work item but doesn't have an Id, I get the error message: "Universal ID creation failed".

Accepted answer

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Geoff Wang (2611) | answered Aug 09 '18, 5:24 p.m.

Hi Gerald,

Thanks, I agree;  the system is supposed to generate new IDs for new work items.  But the problem I encountered was that the import function (on the web client) was not doing that.  So I contacted Mark Ingebretson at IBM Systems DevOps Solutions, and he looked into the problem.  He concluded the same; that the web client has a problem creating IDs for new work items.  This is what he wrote in an email to me, on May 2, 2018:

"I've written an internal defect against our team for this issue.  I don't know when we'll be able to look into this further.  Two possible work-arounds:
1.  Do tracking in RTC and bypass the need for importing
2.  Import via the RTC Eclipse client instead of the web client.  In my limited testing that worked when the web did not."

I ended up having to download and install the RTC Eclipse client.  I found the same thing he found, that the Eclipse client would properly create IDs for new work items, when the web client did not.


Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 10 '18, 2:19 a.m. | edited Aug 10 '18, 2:20 a.m.

Thanks for sharing. Would you care for sharing the version of RTC?

2 other answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 04 '18, 3:00 a.m.

This is the help topic and it clearly suggests that you can create work items during the import:

I have done that in the past as well and it has worked for me.

Geoff Wang commented Apr 04 '18, 11:34 a.m.

Thanks Ralph.  I read the link you sent, but still could not find the answer for my problem.  Specifically, I am having problems with the "Universal ID" column, or "Identifier" column, as it pertains to creating a new work item.

When I export to csv, I see that my existing work items each have a unique "Id" associated with it.  My question is, when I try to create a new row, in other words, a new work item, what am I supposed to do with the "Id" column?  Intuitively, I was thinking if I leave it blank and then import the new work item, the tool would automatically assign a new, unique number upon import.  However, this does not work.  Just as an experiment I also tried entering a random number (which intuitively does not seem proper, but I was just experimenting), and this does not work either.

Here are the two types of error messages I get, pertaining to my inability to successfully import a new work item that was created from within a csv file: 

"Universal ID creation failed"
"Could not create work item from temp-upload-8098070994362682772"

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Gerald Meazell (212) | answered Aug 09 '18, 4:39 p.m.


I'm just a beginner with import but I think your problem is that you shouldn't be specifying an ID when creating a new object. The system will generate that ID for you.

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