TestCases custom attributes update using RQMExcelImporterForDotNET45
2 answers
Hi, Raj
In your xls file, I suppose you have 3 existing test case related info in 3 rows(you want to update those 3 rows) and one of them I guess should have named "stage_cli_09".
In your cfg file, add a line
in xls's 'S' column, for each row of existing test case, please add existing test case internal id there:
here xx should be the id of test case you see on test case UI.
You may want to create a brand new testcases over UI for a testing purpose.
For example your new test cases have id: 100, 101,102
you set
for the row of test case 100
urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:101 for row test case101 and urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:102 for row test case 102
Then try to export and see if 3 of them got updated or not.
You would need to be careful here that the update means update those you specified in cfg file only and those not specified, it could be erased. For example, the testcase has a testscript linking to it. Since cfg file has no testscript specified, that link will be removed. Basically this is like a process to "recreate" the testcase using the existing testcase id only. Therefore, you may want to create some new testcase similar to your existing test cases and test with this approach and see how to update your cfg file to "preserve" those you want to keep and update only those you want.
I hope this helps you start with.
Thanks Don. I will try this and let you know the updates.
Hi Don,
I don't know the details of existing test cases. You may want to test case view and export to csv file and see what are there and see what need to be preserved and try with Samples(for syntax of various features) modification and see how to achieve that. Also need to notice the links(test script etc) It may require trial and errors.
If there is a new scenario(such as linking to existing test script etc) and you can not make it work. You can create a new post with the details on what you have tried and what the result is like so that the community may help you further.
Hi Don,
In that case, you may need to set the owner to existing owner as well.
syntax is:
Don Yang
Mar 12 '18, 8:52 p.m.Rajanikanth Kakarla
Mar 12 '18, 11:50 p.m.Hi Don,
Don Yang
Mar 12 '18, 10:11 p.m.Hi, Raj
Do you mean you haven't tried any samples or it has the same issue as you got in this post? It is important to find out if the tool itself has problem or it is your xls/cfg leading to the issue. Can you please have a try with the sample if you haven't done so?
Rajanikanth Kakarla
Mar 13 '18, 6:41 p.m.Yes i tried other examples but giving same errors.
Rajanikanth Kakarla
Mar 13 '18, 6:41 p.m.Do you think i am using wrong RQMExcelImporter Version?
Rajanikanth Kakarla
Mar 13 '18, 8:34 p.m.Hi Don,
Don Yang
Mar 13 '18, 6:51 p.m.Hi, Raj
There are many things unclear in your comments.
- you mentioned you have tried the other examples but the same issue. Have you try the samples such as TestCases 001 with custom attributes.cfg/TestCases 001 with custom attributes.xls from the RQMExcelImporter install(under install directroy\RQMExcelImporter\Samples)? If you changed some values of custom attributes in the 2nd export, do you see the update or not?
This is how you may try to get familiar with the tool and cfg file and update your own cfg/xls to have your own use cases
- RQMExcelImporterForDotNET45 is a version for TLS2 support. If that is not required, usually we use other version but RQMExcelImporterForDotNET45 should also have all the features other installer has.
- it seems you have manually created some test cases with custom attributes and you want to update those test cases, is that right?
what is your cfg file like?
what is your xls like?
Rajanikanth Kakarla
Mar 13 '18, 7:25 p.m.Hi Don,
Don Yang
Mar 13 '18, 7:30 p.m.>>>Same excel i used and modified with My 3 existing Test cases
-- how the 3 existing test cases were created: through UI or by ExcelImporter
-- obviously you modified the samples to accommodate your own use case(such as working around mandatory fields), what is your update cfg file like?
what is your xls like?
it is impossible for anyone to try any suggestions without knowing your cfg and xls but only an error message in your use case.
Rajanikanth Kakarla
Mar 13 '18, 8:33 p.m.My Existing Test Cases are created by UI. We have 20K test cases now and i have to update these test cases Custom attribute. So RQM UI is not giving option to update custom attribute value at one time for all the test cases.