RAM - policy plugin, artifact modification
The requirement is to create a custom extension using the RAM Policy API, which changes the physical location of an artifact so it points to a new, local, location depending on the state. For example, asset ABC has artifact 123.doc. The state is updated to "complete" so the artifact now needs to point to c:\tmp\123.pdf.
Any helps is appreciated.
Eric Ballance
Feb 27 '18, 5:13 p.m.This questions is very close to what I'm trying to achieve--- https://jazz.net/forum/questions/74240/is-a-file-artifact-in-ram-given-a-url?sort=votes&page=1
Only difference is I'm trying to modify the URL so the artifact is retrieved from a different location. So, when the user clicks on the artifact it is actually downloaded from c:\tmp\finaldocuments\verisign
Eric Ballance
Feb 28 '18, 10:17 a.m.I'm able to pull the file by using the following code but I can't change the file location or even overwrite the file.
RAMFolderArtifact srcFolderArtifact = (RAMFolderArtifact) currentAsset. .getArtifactsRoot(); Artifact[] srcArtifacts = srcFolderArtifact.computeArtifactsAsFlatList(new NullProgressMonitor()); for (Artifact artifact : srcArtifacts) { RAMArtifact ramArtifact = (RAMArtifact) artifact; }