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Adding a category to an asset in a custom policy

Allen Earnest (6212437) | asked Nov 15 '13, 9:20 a.m.
edited Nov 15 '13, 9:25 a.m.

I need to create a custom policy that will add a category to an asset.  I've been digging through the Java API and think I have a good approach, but it is not working.  My code looks like this...

CategorySchema newCategorySchema = myAsset.getAvailableCategorySchema("Service Usage Indicator");
Category newCategory = newCategorySchema.getCategory("Service Usage");
SubCategory newSubCategory = newCategory.getSubCategory("First Use");
SubCategory[] subCategories1  = {newSubCategory};
Category[] categories1  = {newCategory};
CategorySchema[] schemas1 = {newCategorySchema};
However, this gives me an exception...

exception java.lang.NullPointerException stack trace=[,,,,, ......

What is the correct way to categorize an asset via a custom policy?  I've tried many variations of the above, but keep hitting exceptions of one kind or another.

Thanks for any help!

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Allen Earnest (6212437) | answered Nov 18 '13, 9:58 a.m.
Well, I was making this harder than it needed to be.  Plus i skipped over the part of the documentation that actually answered by question!

From the IBM documentation found here >
Extending Product Function > Extending Rational Asset Manager > Using Rational Asset Manager Java API > Work with assets > Create, modify, or delete assets > Categorize an asset

//Categorize using the category schema fetched from the session
CategorySchema automobilesSchema = 

Category priceCategory = automobilesSchema.getCategory("Price");
newAsset.categorize(priceCategory, "25000");

//Categorize using a category fetched through the asset
automobilesSchema = newAsset.getAvailableCategorySchema("Automobiles");

Category colorCategory = automobilesSchema.getCategory("Color");
newAsset.categorize(colorCategory, "Red");

//Categorize using sub category objects
Category modelCategory = automobilesSchema.getCategory("Model");
SubCategory domestic = modelCategory.getSubCategory("Domestic");
SubCategory foreign = modelCategory.getSubCategory("Foreign");
SubCategory honda = foreign.getSubCategory("Honda");
SubCategory camry = foreign.getSubCategory("Toyota/Camry");

session.put(newAsset, new NullProgressMonitor());

Rich Kulp selected this answer as the correct answer

Pramod Chavan commented Dec 20 '13, 2:07 a.m.

getSubCategory("SubCategory-Name"); this method does not work when the input argument "sub-category-name" has backslash(/).

E.g: getSubCategory("sub/category") --> returns null

Please let me know if there is any workaround for this. I tried to eescape it by placing \ before /, but did not work. 

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