IBM Rational Team Concert 4.x Extensibility setup - missing JUnit2 Launch

I am trying to setup the RTC SDK workshop that Ralph has out there. Wonderful write up for the beginners but I am stuck at step 1.6 (Test the Jetty Based Server Launch). When I select Run Configurations, I am not seeing the JUnit2 or OSGi2 Launch options. I did a search and found bunch of old forum posts with this issue. I have checked and double checked:
1). my repository workspace is loaded
2). file resides inside \RTC40Dev\installs\TeamConcert\jazz\client\eclipse\dropins folder as per the documentation.
I have been trying to get this working but haven't been successful so far. Can anyone provide any pointers?
Alan Sampson
JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 21 '18, 8:20 p.m.Warning: RTC 4.0.x was withdrawn from service on 2017-09-30
Namit Pande
Feb 22 '18, 11:23 a.m.I am keeping the same nomenclature as in the workshop, hence RTC40Dev. I am actually on the 601, upgrading to 605 very soon. Thanks.