In RTC for the defect template work item attribute:" description" , where do I find the data item in Rational Insight?
3 answers
the work item description field is NOT available in the data warehouse for reporting.
As a reference for the available fields you can check the Change and configuration management data dictionary.
Best Regards
Hi Francesco, I see N/A for data warehouse and schema.
Sorry for the confusion, edited my post, I missed the NOT in my answer.
N/A means indeed that is not populated in the data warehouse.
Thank you Francesco, you have been very helpful. So if "description" is NOT in data dictionary. Is it located somewhere else? And if not, how can I retrieve this RTC field. Will it have to be mapped?I am not too familiar with mapping but am reading up on this.
Hello Brandy,
it's possible to customize the ETL process in Insight.
See my answer in this topic for some details:
Is it possible to add OOTB fields from RTC to the Rational Data Model?