How to troubleshoot DNG Publish Initialization Error

I'm getting the following error when trying to initialize reports in DNG 6.0.4: Publish Service initialization was unable to be completed successfully.
However, the rm.log shows no errors, and the rrdg.log shows messages confirming the loading of various .dta templates but stops when it hits my new template.
The new template runs perfectly in RPE Launcher, so I have no clue as to why it is not loading upon initialization. How do I troubleshoot this? I have RRDG logging on DEBUG mode, so I'm not sure how to get further details.
One answer

The answer to my question is "Developer Tools" on the browser. The specific error that indicates why the Initialize failed only shows up on the browser console, not on the UI or any of the server logs. To me, this is a bug in the "initialize" routine. Any error in report initialization should show up in the UI as well as one of the logs (rm or rrdg).