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How to import artifacts into RQM in POX format using OSLC REST API

Benjamin Wiese (233) | asked Dec 14 '17, 1:47 p.m.


in order to not have to worry about XML schema conformity, I would like to import OSLC artifacts (Test Cases, Test Plans, Scripts with steps) into RQM via REST API using POX instead of proper XML. It says here that this is possible:

However, I cannot find any information on:
1. What this format looks like
2. How to pass this format to the API (special headers? Dedicated URI?)

Could anyone maybe send me some examples?

(My RQM version is 6.05)

Thanks and cheers,

Accepted answer

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Dec 19 '17, 6:02 a.m.

Hi Ben,

POX requests are only supported for GET or read requests.  In RQM, POX GET requests to the RQM OSLC QM API are redirected to the RQM Reportable REST API.

Benjamin Wiese selected this answer as the correct answer

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