RQMUrlUtility fails with error: "Error: Could not find or load main class .ibm.team.repository.transport.client.protocol=TLSv1.2"
My CLM environment is set up to use TLS 1.2, and when trying to the following command below:
java -Dcom.ibm.team.repository.transport.client.protocol="TLSv1.2" -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user CLM -password <password> -filepath C:\tmp\tc.xml -url https://<hostname>:<port>/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/JKE+Banking+%28Quality+Management%29/testcase/urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:15
I get the following error:
"Error: Could not find or load main class .ibm.team.repository.transport.client.protocol=TLSv1.2"
However if running the following command against an environment, that is not configured to use TLS 1.2, then the command succeeds.
""java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user CLM -password <password> -filepath C:\tmp\tc.xml -url https://<hostname>:<port>/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/JKE+Banking+%28Quality+Management%29/testcase/urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:15""
One answer
The above message will occur when using the Windows PowerShell in stead of the CMD window. Since the PowerShellis an object oriented application, it does not recognize certain commands. While the Windows Powershell will work on some commands, it seems that in other cases, it's best to use a string based editor such as CMD for Windows.