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link test plan to test suite using RQM import

Amit Garg (312051) | asked Dec 13 '17, 9:40 a.m.

We are using RQM 6.0.3 and RQM import utility (6.0.3). I want to know if we can link a test plan to a test suite using the excel import. Test plan and test suite both doesn't exist in RQM. 

Currently it allows linking between  test case --> test plan and testsuite -- testcase

I could not find any reference to testplan.XLSLink=testsuite  or currently it is not possible?

3 answers

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Dec 13 '17, 11:31 p.m.

Hi, Amit

 testplan.XLSLink=testsuite should work.For example from the sample cfg file:
'TestSuite with TestCases 001.cfg'
I tried something quick like


as a new cfg file and use the same 'TestSuite with TestCases 001.xls' to export, I would see the new test plan has test suite added to testsuite section,

Amit Garg commented Dec 14 '17, 2:14 a.m.

Hi Don,

We have tried using testplan.XLSLink=testsuite multiple times and it never worked. Although it did work for sample you quoted above.

Following is my config file information. Please suggest if missing something here:







Don Yang commented Dec 14 '17, 6:42 p.m.

I tried the sample Testsuite with testcases that have testscripts.cfg/Testsuite with testcases that have testscripts.xls, in which it has testscript, testcase, test suite creation and linkage configuration file. I simply add the below to the end of cfg file for testplan creation and link to testsuite(I believe the scenario is the same as yours):

//the below is existing testsuite bit in cfg file

//adding the below to create testplan and link test suite to it

This works for me with no problem. I tested it with RQMExcelImporter 6.0.4 and RQM6.0.4. You may want to try with RQMExcelImporter 604 and see if it helps if the above sample does not work for you.

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Neeta Valera (45643) | answered Aug 16 '18, 2:22 p.m.

 The construct above suggested by Don does not work for me with the sample file:

8/16/2018 2:20:40 PM: 
8/16/2018 2:20:40 PM: 
SESSION: 8/16/2018 2:20:40 PM

8/16/2018 2:20:40 PM: Getting artifacts from current document TestSuite with TestCases 001.xls
8/16/2018 2:20:42 PM: Created 7 artifacts, sending to server
8/16/2018 2:20:42 PM: sending testcase0 named Dead_Hammer
8/16/2018 2:20:43 PM: Server returned code OK
8/16/2018 2:20:43 PM: sending testcase1 named Socially_Acceptable_Hammer
8/16/2018 2:20:43 PM: Server returned code OK
8/16/2018 2:20:43 PM: sending testcase2 named Pretty_Hammer
8/16/2018 2:20:43 PM: Server returned code OK
8/16/2018 2:20:43 PM: sending testcase3 named Hot_Hammer
8/16/2018 2:20:44 PM: Server returned code OK
8/16/2018 2:20:44 PM: sending testcase4 named Strong_Hammer
8/16/2018 2:20:44 PM: Server returned code OK
8/16/2018 2:20:44 PM: sending testsuite5 named TestSuite_with_TestCases_001_Acme_Hammers_1.xml
8/16/2018 2:20:44 PM: Server returned code InternalServerError
8/16/2018 2:20:44 PM: Error sending to server TestSuite_with_TestCases_001_Acme_Hammers_1.xml of type testsuite
8/16/2018 2:20:44 PM: Internal Server Error
8/16/2018 2:20:44 PM: sending testplan6 named TestSuite_with_TestCases_001_Acme_Hammers_1.xml
8/16/2018 2:20:44 PM: Server returned code OK
8/16/2018 2:20:44 PM: finished writing artifacts 

Don Yang commented Aug 16 '18, 9:13 p.m.

not sure what version of RQM and RQMExcelImporter you are using. I have got no problem with v6.0.4.

Neeta Valera commented Aug 29 '18, 8:18 a.m.

Don, I am using RQM 6.0.6 and RQM Excel Importer Version is Please look into it. Thanks. 

permanent link
Neeta Valera (45643) | answered Aug 17 '18, 8:07 a.m.

 Don, I am using RQM 6.0.6 and RQM Excel Importer Version is Thanks

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