DNG 6.0.3 seem not be able to import/roundtrip "<" into a module
2 answers
I like to close this question. I could not duplicate this sighting/question.
In DNG 6.0.3 I am able to do a roundtrip into a module of primary text containing "<"
In DNG 6.0.5 I am able to import both "<" and ">" as base artifacts.
So never mind. I'll continue to look for special characters that may cause CSV import or roundtrip hiccups.
I was able to replicate this problem. My primary text is relatively long with formatted text and tables. It's probably NOT a good idea to use CSV roundtrip to update Primary Text any way. If I avoid doing that, then I'm okay. So it is possible to import and roundtrip "<" and ">." Sorry for the false alarm.