Issue in RTC Plugin followup action v/s Pre-Condition
I have developed two plugins for my RTC Environment. 1. Pre-condition 2. Folllowup action.
My requirement is, If i update an RCN to "In Progress" state, I need to put some conditions and verify estimation of my task. And when I mark it as "Resolved" i need to check estimation field and on basis of some condition I need to automatically move my task to Closed state. So, update status to Close.
For validation of estimation I have created pre-condition plugin which gets executed before save operation.
For automatically moving status to "closed", I created followup action. But my followup action also gets executed before save. i.e. If I attach debugger to my plugin , and click on save , it comes to followup action plugin before actually saving state of task. Where I expect it to come after save operation. If my plugin fails in any case, it does not actually save the task as well.
In such case what it the difference between pre-condition and followup action if both comes before save operation.
for reference following is my plugin file:
name="friday test"
Accepted answer
If you're seeing a breakpoint in a follow-up action being hit before some other breakpoint, you should double-check the location of that other breakpoint. If you place a breakpoint inside the workitem save operation it will be hit before your follow-up action.
Jared Burns
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 10 '12, 12:41 p.m.Comment on the tagging of this question - This post was tagged with "jazzhub", "", and "configuration", but it is not a question about any of those things. Please try not to overtag like this. I've replaced these tags with "workitems", "process", and "extending" since that's what the question is about.