RTC downloads frequently fail....
13 answers
I was finally able to download the local install client for yesterday after maybe 15 times. My download fails randomly but always after the 100MB mark so I am assuming either this is a timeout issue or a contention issue wherein the download server is killing some connections prematurely when its resources gets too low.
It might take more effort but until a resumable option is offered maybe it would be worthwhile to offer splitted archives of maximum of 50-100MB each that the downloader can then join. Hash/MD5/SHA-1 sums can be provided for each part so we can check which parts are bad and redownload them. Hopefully this approach will minimize the need for us to download the 606MB file each time it fails.
Btw, I need the local install as I am rolling this off to more than 20 developers and we are in a location where bandwidth is a premium.
How about using Installation Manager, and setting up your local IM repository. Then all our colleagues can download from a local source and not have to outside your firewall.
sorry for the confusion but that was what i was downloading (as opposed to the web install version). i forgot that there is a local archive install and the IM install.
tangent observation, the local IM download only works if you launch it using the bundled IM. I already have IM 1.3.1 on my machine and it cannot recognize the unzipped "RTC-Eclipse-Client-" because it is not recognized as a valid repository (no diskTag.inf?). Not a big blocker but will definitely irritate some of the teams I am supporting since they are used to installing via IM.
I've tried to download RTC Express C 2.0 several times, all of which failed. I finally found a link to download it using download director from the IBM site:
This is much faster and works perfectly. Why not use the same procedure for the jazz.net downloads?
This is much faster and works perfectly. Why not use the same procedure for the jazz.net downloads?
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