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New file in sandbox - is it in conflict with incoming change-set (using Java API)

Gidi Gal (962058) | asked Oct 26 '17, 7:06 a.m.

Hello to the forum members,

I have a new file which was delivered into stream. I create in another workspace in the same path a file with the same name. I have IShareable of my created file. Suppose I have also the incoming IChangeSet of the delivered file. How do I know these files represent the same item and are in conflict ?


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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Oct 30 '17, 4:41 a.m.
edited Oct 30 '17, 4:41 a.m.
Your new file and the incoming change with the same name are two different items.
If you have checked in the changes to your change set then in the GUI/CLI clients the change will be shown to have a potential conflict. If you accept the change set then the actual conflict will be reported as Add-Add conflict.
The conflict report should give you details about the conflict. 

Gidi Gal commented Oct 30 '17, 8:03 a.m.

Hi Shashikant,
When I'm trying to deliver a change-set with new file which is in future-conflict with incoming change-set - I will get error:
"Cannot deliver changes since they would create conflicts for component 'Component 'CmpA''. Try accepting all incoming changes, resolve the conflicts, then deliver again."
I am automating deliver operation in an extension I develop. I need to identify such a future conflict so I can avoid calling deliver and so I can alert my users about this issue.
Is there a public API to identify this future conflict ?

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