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Generate RQM reports to get calculated attribute in percentage ?

shweta ranaware (3711053) | asked Oct 12 '17, 1:38 a.m.
edited Oct 12 '17, 2:25 a.m.

 Hi All,

    I want to generate the report for RQM project area which is configuration enabled. I know we have limitations to generates the configurable reports using resource builder, so I tried with Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration in JRS. In JRS I found the calculated columns attribute, which will give avg, total count , Max value, Min value of test artifacts etc. 
but Can how i get the percentage values for that test artifacts ?
For example % pass or % failed of test artifacts ?

     2. Also want to know How i can get available built in attributes in calculated attribute columns. currently  we are getting only Id, Title , URL Link of that selected attributes and other added  custom attributes, but How i can get the other built in attributes in same List?  
 3. Is there any limitation to show attributes in Calculated column attributes lists ?
     Which attributes are displayed in that lists ?  


Accepted answer

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Oct 20 '17, 7:55 a.m.

As you mentioned, for configuration-enabled projects, you need to use LQE with Report Builder (or JRS) for reporting. 

For the percentage passed/failed, you can write a custom expression to compare the points passed to the total points and show as a percentage.  Alternatively, you can COUNT all the verdicts

For custom attributes, you will need the fix for Custom attribute values are not reported in Report Builder. (162723).  Please open a PMR (How to open a PMR (external users)) to request a backport to your CLM version.

You can show custom attributes in calculated columns once you have the above fix.

Only custom attribute enumerations are displayed as lists.

shweta ranaware selected this answer as the correct answer

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