How to remove header and footer textbox from create document style report tab in DNG
Hi Everyone,
My scenario is that in create document style report tab Additional report information(Optional) section is there,in that we can add header footer optionally ,but I want to remove header and footer textbox from Additional report information(Optional) section in DNG
How can I do it,is there any suggestion on same?
Best Regards
Accepted answer
The options you see under "Additional Report Information (Optional)" are shown for the variables in the template. For example, in printArtifact.dta, we have a variable footerText, for which description is "Footer Text(type:text)". Hence we see "Footer Text" in the report wizard, which accepts text value.
You can delete variable description and rename the variable (name should start with "_") so that it will not be shown in DNG report wizard. If the variable is not needed, you can just delete it.
Hello Subramanya ,I want to remove header footer text box from"Additional Report Information (Optional)" section,because header footer I have set in template then I want to delete it from section not in report
Yes. "Additional Report Information (Optional)" section in DNG report wizard is shown depending on the variables used in RRDG/RPE template. If you remove the variables, it will not be shown in DNG web UI.
Hi Subramanya,I have deleted variable footerText attribute from printArtifact.dta but it didn't removed from web UI
thank you Subramanya :)