RPE / DNG: Bad number of artifacts reported
Dear all,
I have an issue with the generation of a document form RPE. The RPE template (I'm using the standard DNG Module template) is connected to a DNG module, and when I generate the report form RPE only the first 10 artifacts are estracted from the DNG module (it contains 60-70 artifacts).
SW versions:
Rational DNG 6.0.2 (iFix011)
IBM Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio 2.1.2
DNG module link:
RPE Report:
Modello Spec Fun_Rev 05.doc
No table of figures entries found.
Introduzione (1st artifact)
Documenti Allegati
Documento allegato 1
Documento allegato 2
Documento allegato 3
Documenti di Riferimento
Normative di Riferimento
I documenti devono essere inseriti attraverso un link alle risorse utente contenute nei moduli della cartella “02_Documenti Generali”
Normativa 1
Normativa 2 (10th artifact)