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Create Link between RDM and DNG using Rational Design Management SDK

Matthias Buettgen (23612332) | asked Sep 22 '17, 7:48 p.m.


I want to create a satfies link from Design Manager to DNG using the Rational Design Manager SDK available in the wiki. Therefore I fetch the model from the DmResource and modify it accordingly. Once the update to RDM has been performed the correct link is visible for the artifact in the DNG web client.
Unfortunately the link isn't shown in the RDM client for the RDM artifact. Anyway when I open the artifact using the Firefox Rest Client the link shown in RDF representation.

I assume that there is a problem with Web Client of RDM related links created with the SDK.

Here is the code I use:

String dmres = "resource.uri.....";
DmClient dmclient = new DmClient("jazz", "jazz", "https://localhost:9443/dm"); DmProject project = dmclient.getProject("PROJECT"); DmConfiguration configuration = dmclient.getDefaultConfiguration(project); DmResource dmr = dmclient.getResource(dmres, configuration);

Model model = dmr.getModel(); Resource def = model.getResource(dmres);
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property sub = ResourceFactory.createProperty("", "satisfy"); com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property type = ResourceFactory.createProperty("https://clm.localhost:9443/rm/resources/_s2ygYZ-_EeeNQrLim_S_uA"); model.add(def, sub, type); dmr.setModel(m); DmEditingSession editingSession = dmclient.createEditingSession(configuration); dmclient.setDescription(editingSession, "Sample changeset for saving Things Sample"); dmclient.putResource(dmr, editingSession); dmclient.deliverEditingSession(editingSession);

I'm using CLM 6.0.3.

Does anyone has an idea what to do?

Kind regards Matthias

2 answers

permanent link
Jim Amsden (29347) | answered Sep 25 '17, 8:36 a.m.

 Try property is .

RDNG cannot store links to AM resources in RDM, the link has to be stored in RDM. RDNG does an RDM OSLC query to get incoming the AM references to requirements and displays the outgoing (inverse) property. RM is expecting these properties to be defined by the OSLC Requirements Management specification.

Matthias Buettgen commented Sep 26 '17, 10:14 a.m.

Hi Jim,

I'll give this try. Anyway when I verify the type defined for requirement's satisfaction links in the Project Link Types Management view I see that here is defined. There is also no possibility to change the link definiton.


permanent link
Matthias Buettgen (23612332) | answered Oct 18 '17, 9:48 a.m.
edited Oct 18 '17, 9:52 a.m.

I recently found a way to create links between RDM and DNG. The way to this is documented in an article on which can be found here. The only thing you need to add to the creation url is the oslc_config.context and the project uuid.

Here is a example how the url should look like:[:port]/dm/links?oslc_config.context=[:port]/gc/configuration/4&projectId=projectUUID

Please note in the example the oslc_config.context is a Global Configuration. It also works with DM's local configurations. Additionally it's important to set the context type of the header to "application/X-oslc-common-link+xml".

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