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Jazz team server = team collaboration.

YASEF Startinov (17419) | asked Sep 17 '17, 8:21 p.m.
edited Sep 18 '17, 10:38 a.m.

I found this lik an advantage for IBM Jazz plateform :

  • a server centric approach instead of a local workbench in order to leverage the team concept;
Are you agree with this ?
Why he considers that a local workbench not match with a team concept like a servic centric ( Jazz team server)

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Ulf Arne Bister (1.3k413) | answered Sep 18 '17, 10:31 a.m.


the advantage of a server centric approach to just local workbenches team collaboration are manifold:
- central services of server platform such as authentication, permission, storage guarantee safety, security and scalability
- central server allows for process control and compliance over all clients used
- combination of central server with local workspaces gives maximum SCM process support and flexibility to team
- central server allows central backup / restore and control over data flow with e.g. 3rd party
- central server allows integrations into other domains without the hassle of n:m integrations client side, taking away the need to install and maintain integration bits to other tools on all clients
- in fact, central server allows for a meaningful approach to make browser a fully fledged client for many roles, completely eliminating the need to install / maintain client software (other than the browser) on their computers.

etc. etc.

- Arne

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