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collaboration regardless of localization

YASEF Startinov (17419) | asked Sep 12 '17, 5:10 a.m.

Can you explain to me please, the idea of IBM Jazz collaboration regardless of localization :

Let's suppose, that a company have to products : DOORS NG and RTC every team is in a different country.
Country 1 : DOORS NG
Country 2 : RTC

How the link will be between these two products products please ?

Accepted answer

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Sep 12 '17, 7:37 a.m.

A team's (or team of team's) work in the CLM tools is organized into containers called "project areas", which are administrative domains where users have access and various permissions.

A lifecycle project area is an administrative tool for granting people membership into a set of related project areas which can include RTC, DOORS NG, RQM, and DM.

The CLM tools are designed for use over the web. it doesn't matter what country people are in.  All communication between clients (including browsers and rich clients) are over https.

It's quite common for CLM team to be distributed across multiple countries.  CLM helps teams work across many common boundaries: geography, timezone, organizational departments.

YASEF Startinov selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

permanent link
Isabel Murakami (3811615) | answered Sep 12 '17, 4:39 p.m.

You can see a collaborative usage on our own For instance, check this defect:
you can see comments for several guys there.

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