RTC Attribute Customization : Script based Condition not mandating the String field.
Hi All, I need to have a script based condition where the String attribute (DevOps Number) should become mandate when the other Enumeration attribute (Project Type) is "Agile". I am able to get the asterisk mark for the DevOps Number, when I select the Project Type as Agile, But when I save the workitem am not getting any error messages saying "Attribute "DevOps Number" not set". Why conditions are not working for Enum to string type ? Following is the code : dojo.provide("test.DevOpsMandatory"); dojo.require("com.ibm.team.workitem.api.common.WorkItemAttributes"); (function() { var WorkItemAttributes = com.ibm.team.workitem.api.common.WorkItemAttributes; dojo.declare("test.DevOpsMandatory", null, { matches: function(workItem, configuration) { var projStat = workItem.getValue('projectStatus'); if(projStat=="ProjectStatus.literal.l3"){ return false; } else { return true; } } }); })(); Also i have configured this script in pre-condition. Request you to assist on this. Regards, Prabhu
One answer
If you get the asterisk mark, chances are your code works just find. The problem is with the pre-condition. You should use Required Attributes for Condition.
prabhu Rao
Sep 12 '17, 6:21 a.m.The pre-condition describes that 'Verifies that a work item that matches a condition can only be saved if the selected attributes are different from the default value'.
Then how to set the default value for the string type attribute or Integer attribute?