How can I find QM repository size in CLM 502 or 603?
One answer
Hi Wayne, most easiest way to get the size of QM repository is as follows..
DB2 - run query db2 "call get_dbsize_info(?,?,?,-1)"
SQL Server - run query exec sp_spaceused
Oracle - Is a bit different, each application data is saved in separate "table spaces" rather than database as in case of DB2, MS SQL server.
Here is one post explaining how to get size of tablespace in Oracle
One more way to get the database size without using any of the database tools is as follows.
1. Go to page below:
2. Add all non-zero values under column "Content Size (K)"
The end result is the size of RQM database in KB.
Hope this helps!
Best Regards
Wayne Hanson
Aug 21 '17, 9:02 a.m.I should have been more clear. I already have the size of the QM database. I would like to find the size of a particular Quality Management repository within the QM database.
Kevin Ramer
Aug 22 '17, 4:12 p.m.There is only 1 QM repository in a QM database.
Wayne Hanson
Aug 23 '17, 9:04 a.m.Forgive me for I am using the incorrect terminology. How do I find out the size of a project within the QM database?