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Can i delete another user's time entries?

Alvaro Riera (4021418) | asked Aug 14 '17, 5:35 a.m.
Good Morning,

I need to delete or edit other users' time tracking entries in work items.
I can not even be JazzAdmin and with all the privileges.

Any ideas how I can delete or edit? Or is it impossible?

Thank you

Accepted answer

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Ulf Arne Bister (1.3k413) | answered Aug 14 '17, 9:16 a.m.


currently it seems RTC does not support editing another user's time entries even as admin. The corresponding UI bits are disabled. This is by process but currently there are also no permission settings to override this.

If you really need this I suggest filing an enhancement on to add a permission settings to allow a role for modifying time sheet entries other than your own.

Alternatively please check out for a programmatic approach to modify if direly needed.

If this is helpful please mark the answer as accepted.

- Arne

Alvaro Riera selected this answer as the correct answer

Alvaro Riera commented Aug 16 '17, 2:29 a.m.

 Thank you very much!

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