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how to add the web bundle to server launch configuration,while customizing Jazz web UI

jyoti mishra (45148) | asked Jul 14 '17, 8:36 a.m.

 Hello Everyone,

                          I am referring "",for adding a tab to the dashboard,but I am not getting how to add the web bundle to the server launch configuration.Will you please explain me in detail (stepwise) how to do these.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 14 '17, 4:06 p.m.
edited Jul 14 '17, 4:24 p.m.

It is pretty impossible to answer some of the extensibility questions.

As I already stated in your question:

This is a very old, likely outdated example. If you do the example in an environment like explained in you would deploy the extension on the server as explained in said workshop and example.

So it might be wise to actually follow the advice and to try the workshop if you want to make progress (if possible). Several labs explain how to deploy at the server. Otherwise, please let me know if we can close this as a duplicate question.

PS: I am aware that some of the very old examples are hard to execute if it is possibke at all.

jyoti mishra commented Nov 03 '17, 5:15 a.m.

 Thanks Ralph

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