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Is there an optimum resolution for RDNG 6.0.3

Carol Watson (71017) | asked Jul 07 '17, 11:15 a.m.

1. From a Module, used Search artifacts

2. Clicked on a result, which opened the artifact in the Editor

3. Clicked "Where Used" in the right sidebar

4. Clicked on the link to the Module shown in "Where Used"

5. It navigated to the Module, and while the selected artifact from the Search Results was shown as 'selected', I had to scroll down to see it.  I was hoping it would display the selected artifact without having to scroll down.   Is there an optimum resolution or zoom that will make it to display on the returned page without having to scroll?  For this test I was using the recommended resolution for my ThinkPad at 100% zoom.



PS. Filter on Text is not an option, because I need to also see the artifacts above and below the one I'm searching for (i.e., in context).

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Jul 07 '17, 6:17 p.m.

Hi Carol,

I see this problem on my 6.0.3 server but it seems to be working well on 6.0.4.  This should be fixed in 6.0.3 iFix007 as there has been a lot of work done to improve module navigation, specifically in this work item: where used - sometimes the selected artifact is not on screen and the module may fail to load properly (intermittent) (114710).

Hope it helps,

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