Possible to export RQM Test Cases to xls, update 'Name' of Test Cases in xls, re-import into RQM ?
I am struggling to find how to format the .xls and .cfg file used by RQMExcelImporter utility to address this use case:
Accepted answer
Hi, Christophe
So the key from your question is not to create new test cases. In that case, you can consider using
keyword XLSArtifactID in your cfg to specify the external id for test case. If the external id is the same, it would "update" the same test case in RQM without creating a new one.
There are many sample cfg/xls in ExcelImporter install in which you can find XLSArtifactID is used. You can try to use
those samples and import into your RQM and see what happens.
One other answer
Thanks Don !
So my question now is the same as in this forum post: XLSArtifactID Attribute for RQMExcelImporter i.e.: How to find(/assign) the XLSArtifactID attribute of(/to) existing Test Cases that were created in RQM (i.e. NOT via the RQMExcelWordImporter utility) ?
Sorry I misread your 1) Create 5 Test Cases in RQM.
If test case was created in UI, there is no external id concept for which you can use ExcelImporter to update anything on the same test case.
In your case, you may consider to use REST API to update the name. You can use any REST Client and PUT command to update the test case or try RQMURLUtility:
There are a number of discussion in this area(using REST API to update test artifacts) in jazz.net. for example, the below discussion is to update custom attribute but the approach applies. As you want to update the name of test case, if you can GET xml file of test case in which a name is there, then change it and PUT it back to update.
1 vote
Thanks again Don !