Can custom contributor fields be reported on using the REST API?
Good Day,
I have a customer that is trying to extract certain custom fields using the rest API. However, the custom contributor fields do not seem to get populated.It just shows an empty <displayValue/> even though it is populated on the work item. We seem to get results with other custom attributes and it seems to be isolated to the contributor type.
Is this expected behavior?
Kind Regards,
Michael Alberda
One answer
You are using the reportable REST API.
If you check the allExtensions element, you can see that it does not include the Contributor type values. So what you observed is expected.
I don't know the reason Contributor got excluded. If you think it is necessary to include it, you can submit an RFE.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 13 '17, 5:02 a.m.Versions? Which REST API you use (in case there are several)? Some example data you see? See How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers?
Michael Alberda
Jun 14 '17, 2:33 a.m.Hi Ralph,
We are using CLM v6.0 with the normal Rest API (not reportable). An example of data we receive with missing values is shown below:
<allExtensions><displayName>Domain Manager</displayName><displayValue/></allExtensions>. I did not think the normal reset API used the data warehouse?
Below is the URL we are using:
I am not sure why iot is not returning any data.
Thank you,
Kind Regards,