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Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0.2: Edit / Export process diagrams

Veronika Pavic (111) | asked Jun 01 '17, 4:21 a.m.
  1. How can i edit process diagrams. Its not possilble to install the necessary browser addon. I use Firefox 45.9.0

  2. How can i export a process diagram in a reusable format?

2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 07 '17, 1:24 a.m.

If you use the Diagram artifact format, you do not need any browser add-on to edit the artifact. When you open such artifact, the edit feature should be enabled automatically in a supported browser.

As far as export goes, I can see that you can only export it to PNG format - that is, a static image. How would you "reuse" the diagram?

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Veronika Pavic (111) | answered Jun 29 '17, 3:42 a.m.

Type is Process Diagaram and the format ist Simple Flow Diagram. I found  no possibility  to export the diagram to PNG format.

Is it possible to migrate the diagram into a open source BPMN Application, so that we can also edit the diagram?

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