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why do Baseline URL shows different views in Web and Eclipse?

vijayakumar ramesh (1173862) | asked May 26 '17, 4:41 a.m.

 https://l*:9443/ccm/resource/itemOid/ this is baseline url which when user pastes in the browser opens up the Repository view of the Baseline.

Programmatically when user passes url 
URI uri = URI.create(url); 
StandardContextProvider contextProvider = new StandardContextProvider(null);, contextProvider); 

it opens the properties view of baseline .why is that views are different for same url? 

Donald Nong commented May 29 '17, 12:06 a.m.

I doubt it's different. The browser will automatically redirect to new pages when such URL is requested. So your code needs to do something similar.

vijayakumar ramesh commented May 29 '17, 9:40 a.m.

I have tested it, when user pastes  url , https://l*:9443/ccm/resource/itemOid/
 in th browser (i dont know happens within browser) it opens up the Repository files view of Baseline.
but when program trys to open this same url in the client, it shows properties view.

One answer

permanent link
David Lafreniere (4.8k7) | answered Jun 20 '19, 1:23 p.m.
This is because prior to RTC 6.0 we had no 'baseline properties' page in the Web UI.

Now when you open the URL (whether in Eclipse or the Web), you will be presented with a baseline page which shows information such as:
-baseline name
-baseline ID
-baseline creator
-creation date
-baseline hierarchy

The Web UI also provides tabs for "Repository Files", "History", "File Links" (which can also be explored in Eclipse via various context menu actions on the baseline)

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