Migrating Data Manager ETLs to DCC

One answer

Hello Roanna,
if you are using DCC 6.0.2 or later you also have the option to customize the ETL:
In DCC 6.0.3 support has been added for the ETL of DOORS 9 and ClearQuest ( https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/MigratingClearQuestETLFromDataManagerToDCC ).
Best Regards
Francesco Chiossi

Thank you all for the feedback.
So if I have a lower version (5.0.2), DCC will not have the option to customize?

Thank you all for the feedback.
So if I have a lower version (5.0.2), DCC will not have the option to customize?

Hello Roanna,
that is correct, customization is only possible on version 6.0.2 and later.
Best Regards
Francesco Chiossi

Actually, we found all the .ttl files in DCC that are our current running DCC jobs. We have two custom jobs in Data Manager that we would like to put in DCC. We should just go through the process described in this wiki : https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DataCollectionCustomizationUsingDCC
Rafik Jaouani
JAZZ DEVELOPER May 26 '17, 1:03 p.m.If all your ETLs are reading data from the CLM apps or the data warehouse it self, you should be able to do this.
1 vote
Roanna Rague
May 31 '17, 11:54 a.m.Thank you. And just because we're really new to all of this, are the ETLs written in SQL?