How can i create Bidirectional link in DOORS NG
2 answers
Hi Lakshmi,
The link should always appear on the artifact that you linked to. Perhaps you're linking between module artifacts and expecting the link to appear on the module rather than the module artifact? If you create the link from the module artifact to the module, the link would then appear on the module. Hope it helps,
As Ben said, the creation of back link should be automatic, and I would like to point out two further things.
1. While quite obvious, you need to use a link type that provides bidirectional labels, such as "Link To/Link From", "Referenced By/References" and etc - it appears that all the system-defined links types are bidirectional anyway.
2. If you primarily work on modules, make sure that you always link from/to module artifacts, not base artifacts. That is, always work in a module, not a folder. For example, when making a link, on the dialog, choose "What to look in: This module", not "What to look in: Folders".