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User does not display in dropdown for Owned By attribute

Gary Woodward (20313) | asked Apr 10 '17, 3:57 p.m.

After adding a user to the JazzUsers group, assigning a license and adding the user to the Team Area, the user still doesn't display in the dropdown for the Owned By attribute.

Is this expected behavior?
Is there a limited number of users that will display in the dropdown? (There are approximately 70 existing users in the Team Area)
How is the list of users populated for the Owned By attribute?
Is there anyway to configure the attribute to show all member users in the dropdown?

I appreciate any information you can provide.

Accepted answer

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Apr 11 '17, 6:27 a.m.
edited Apr 11 '17, 6:28 a.m.

Hi Gary

I tested with my 5.0.2 ifix019a and see the similar behavior. When you have more than 50 users in a project area or team area, only 50 users will be listed into the contributor
type of attribute. I tested with 5.0.2 with no ifix and I can see all user listed in Owned By field if the kind is set as Generic Combo in editor presentation.

This behavior was introduced since ifix12 according to:

PI51986] [Work Item getEditableProperties allValues for owner
attribute load time grows proportionate to team size]

The reason for this change is because of the performance defect work item:

If there are hundreds of users(or even thousands) in the project or team area, showing up all users
could be very expensive and performance can be worsened a lot.
The workaround for this situation is to use Contributor Kind instead of Generic Combo as you are doing currently.

However, there are use cases when there are more than 50 users but not as many as hundreds or thousands
which could cost performance, for which you may want all the users to be showing up in the list, the below RFE
(request for enhancement) is to address this limit:

The design work item would have the info on limitation(how many users listed) and how the users selected to list into the contributor.

Gary Woodward selected this answer as the correct answer

Gary Woodward commented Apr 13 '17, 1:41 p.m. | edited Apr 13 '17, 1:41 p.m.

Thank you for the detailed answer, Don. Our first implementation of RTC was 4.5. We upgraded to 5.0.2 iFix9, and then upgraded to RTC 6.0.2 last fall, so this is the first time we have experienced this behavior.

Gary Woodward commented Apr 13 '17, 2:08 p.m.

Don, can you tell me how the users are queried to populate the Owned By attribute? We have a user that was one of the first users added to the Team Area and she is not showing in the first 50 users listed.


Don Yang commented Apr 16 '17, 8:41 p.m.

Hi, Gary

If you use Generic Combo kind for your contributor at editor presentation, you can change it to Contributor kind. With that, you are able to see a menu 'more' or '...' and click on it will allow you to search for other users you do not see in the 50-user list.

Gary Woodward commented Apr 18 '17, 12:46 p.m.

Hi Don,

The Owned By attribute is already set to Contributor in the presentation editor, and I can see the ellipsis '...' to click on to search for additional users.

I am interested in knowing how the drop-down list is populated, ie. a query that displays the first 50 users. Does it query for the first 50 users added, or alphabetically, or by user ID, or something else? We have a user that was one of the first users added to the Team Area (Category) and the last name begins with a "B", but he does not show in the first 50 users in the drop-down.


Don Yang commented Apr 18 '17, 7:45 p.m.

The workitem for the original design would have some info on the logic of the implementation:

One other answer

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Apr 11 '17, 3:16 a.m.

 Hello Gary,

This does not look like expected.

In the owner drop down you shoul see first all team member of the team associated to the selected category (filed against).
And you should be able to search an select any user of the whol CCM instance.


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