How to display immediate heading name of a target or linked object with dxl
This question is regarding DOORS 9.6.1. I have one module and the objects are in which have been linked to many other objects in many modules. now I want to display:
1. Link full path
2. Immediate heading name of target object or linked object
3. Target object text
I am able to get link full path and object text with the below code but not able to display immediate heading of linked object:
Link lnk
for lnk in obj -> "*" do
string tmn = fullName target(lnk)
if(!open module tmn)
read(tmn, false)
Object trg = target lnk
string stext = trg."Object Text"
displayRich "\\b" tmn "\n"
display stext"\n" "\n"
Please help me in displaying immediate object heading of linked object.
2 answers
//Layout Dxl: