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How can I use apt services on server side?

I'm trying to use some apt service to work with plans on server side, but I got some strange error like the classes can't be found:
If I try to run command like these:
IPlanningCommon pc = (IPlanningCommon)getService(IPlanningCommon.class);
I obtain this kind of error:
ERROR t.internal.registry.AbstractActivationManagerOwner - The class "com.ibm.team.apt.internal.common.IPlanningCommon" failed to load. The bundle "my.bundle.name" could not find the class.
The same for the com.ibm.team.apt.internal.common.rcp.IIterationPlanService class. But these classes/plugin are part of the SDK so I don't really understand why they are not found if used like other services as usual..
Any hints on how to use these class on server side?