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How to pass actual results while executing TSER/TCER from RQM Execution Tool, v6.0.3

Aniket Pawar (111) | asked Mar 17 '17, 6:16 a.m.


I am using the following command to execute the TSER using the:

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar RQMExecutionTool.jar -tserId=<tserid> -user=<user_id> -password=<password> -publicURI=<RQM_SERVER_URL> -projectName=<proj_name> -haltOnFailure=true -parallelExecution=true -exitOnComplete=false -printResultUrl=true


The results for the TSER and the corresponding TCER were updated to pass.

However, I could not find any parameter/command in the release notes with which i can pass actual results while executing TSER/TCER from RQM Execution Tool.


Could you please assist with the same.


Thanks in advance.

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abhishek gour (3812) | answered Mar 20 '17, 2:18 p.m.
edited Mar 21 '17, 2:42 a.m.

Hi Aniket, 

From the command you provided, it looks like you are running a TSER with 'execute without execution' option because you have provided resultState variable in your command. When resultState  is used then a result is applied to TSER and the same results are applied to all the test steps of the run test script. 

I have not understood your question properly. Since you are already passing the results for your execution, then I am sort of not able to understand what other type of parameter / command you want to pass for actual results?

So I took some liberty to assume that you might have been asking for one of the following few points - 

1. While running the manual test script ( part of the TSER ) how to provide results for Individual Steps of the running Test Script? In other words using the tool without "-resultState" option?- When you start the RQMExecutionTool this way it creates an execution entry which is marked incomplete. Now you have two options - Either go to WebUI Interface, find this execution from "Execution Console" and start executing this via Web UI. 
Or you can make use of the Reportable Rest API to update results for each of the steps of this execution. You may want to have a look at this link to understand how you can update an execution with details of the results for each step of the script.

2. While running the Automated Test Script (using commandline or any other adapter ) how to provide results for Individual Test Step? In other words using the tool without "-resultState" option?- The results for automated scripts run would be provided by adapter and should be updating the results automatically with the execution records. 

3. While running the TSER - how to pass information via execution variables? -  This could be applicable when you have defined some project or artifact level execution variables for test script steps. You can use option "-variables=<var1Name:var1Value,var2Name:,va3Name:var3Value>". 

You can find some more information from following link - 

Please feel free to reply to this comment if you have any more question in this regard. 


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