Steps being Repeated twice/ mismatch in RQM While Executing scripts

One answer

I did a quick test with v6.0.2 ifix04 and did not see any problem.
. before you run the test case, does the script itself show the correct 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc in the step 7? is it only the result showing different?
. So whenever you run the same TCER again, you will always observe the same problem in the same step?
. I don't see any similar defect raised in v6.0.2. I guess it could be hard for the community to troubleshooting this problem unless there is a pattern you can find out on how to reproduce the problem and how the script is constructed in your environment is more clear.
sousan hussain
Mar 16 '17, 12:16 are 2 examples :
Example, 1- In script Step 7 has a key word in which 5 steps are there but while executing it is creating as individual like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 steps rather than creating step 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5.
Example, 2, Steps are getting repeated.