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RTC Api plain: how to implement load operation with api?

Vincent permgen (623) | asked Sep 29 '14, 9:37 a.m.
Hi guys
I'm a new RTC user. In specific I'm try to use RTC by api.
I can create a file in workspace repo and deliver it on stream repository, i can to accept in my local repo new change present in stream. But file changed (or new) not are present in filesystem after i accept it.
The operation of accept is correct. In fact after that in RTC tool i see that my workspace is out of sync and after load operation i fund change and new file.
My question is: what do i implemet load operation by api plain?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Sep 30 '14, 5:32 a.m.
edited Sep 30 '14, 5:35 a.m.
I am pretty sure this has been discussed already.


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  • for some other post around this API
  • for posts around loading

Loading can mean a lot. One is to download the code to a file location another is managing the sandbox and make it visible as shared in the Eclipse client.

If you want the whole package I would suggest to either look at the load Wizzard (using plugin spy - Alt-Shift-F1 on the wizard window) if you set up the SDK like in or use the LSCM command to download a sandbox.

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