Have you noticed that Jazz.net Sandbox CLM is responding too slowly and is causing HTTP client requests to Timeout?
Recently (late February 2017), the sandbox CLM deployments at jazz.net have been responding to client HTTP requests very, very slowly. Have you also observed this?
One answer
You can create a defect here: https://jazz.net/jazz02/web/projects/Community%20Feedback#action=com.ibm.team.dashboard.viewDashboard
I wasn't intending to make a complaint. I was asking the Community if anyone else is observing this behavior. Often, these kinds of latency issues can be either client-side or server-side.
1 vote
Perhaps there is something faulty here. When switching Configurations (e.g. from Local Stream to Local Stream) there is a "Loading Permissions" phase that is taking the server an excessively long time to complete.
You can file a work item if the performance is unacceptable. Even to the Web Master from the FAQ page. Just asking a question here does not help, I think.