RTC attributes OSLC URI/URLs

One answer

I assume you're familiar with RTC OSLC API already. Otherwise, start with this article.
In the Service Provider document of a given project area, you will have Creation Factory for each work item type. Within the Creation Factory, you should see a Resource Shape. Retrieve the Resource Shape and you should see all the attribute definitions and their allowed values. For enumerations, you need an extra step to get the literal value by accessing the Allowed Value resource.
Donald Nong
Feb 20 '17, 6:51 p.m.What exactly are you asking for? Do you want to use Java or JavaScript? Are you going to use OSLC (which usually does not involve JavaScript)? Do you want to get the ID/URI of the attributes, or the existing values of these attributes? Please explain your use case in details.
Amit Garg
Feb 21 '17, 1:03 a.m.Hi Donald,