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RTC Email URI's switching to :9080

Neil Plantan (1082215) | asked Sep 08 '09, 2:10 p.m.
We have been seeing an intermittent issue on a few of our RTC repositories where the web UI link included in the automatic email notifications sets the port to 9080 instead of 9443 on the resource link

In some cases we have multiple RTC instances on one machine using various ports (9445 - 9448). 99% of the time the Web UI is correct but in some cases it defaults to 9080.

One answer

permanent link
Work Item & UI Commons Team (1.3k1) | answered Sep 09 '09, 5:04 a.m.
nplantan wrote:
We have been seeing an intermittent issue on a few of our RTC
repositories where the web UI link included in the automatic email
notifications sets the port to 9080 instead of 9443 on the resource

In some cases we have multiple RTC instances on one machine using
various ports (9445 - 9448). 99% of the time the Web UI is correct
but in some cases it defaults to 9080.

Is the public URI property configured properly? The public URI is used
in the E-Mails and should be set.

Benjamin Pasero
Work Item & UI Commons Team

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