lscm list changes with -workspace option still shows unresolved file path
when I execute the following "list changes" command with or without --workspace option I always have <unresolved> path in the output.
My question is Why? And How to resolve this issue?
I verified that putting a wrong name in the workspace parameter the command fails with a message.
I tested also with the workspace id and the workspace name but still obtained unresolved file path.
C:\jazz\scmtools\eclipse>lscm list changes -r RTC --workspace _72E-kIo7EeaN3cJHKl2hSw _eBNYoKDZEeaN48JHKl2hSw
Change sets:
(2037) ----$ Riccardo Rossi "<No comment>"
Component: (2038) "agent_java"
Modified: 02-Nov-2016 10:23 AM
---c- (2039) \<unresolved>\
---c- (2040) \<unresolved>\
Work items:
(2041) 165928 "Variable table plugin"
Lily Wang
Jan 31 '17, 1:10 a.m.Could you confirm that the component is included in the workspace and you have the access to the workspace?
yu zhao
Aug 12 '19, 1:32 p.m.I encountered the same problem, have you resolved it? thanks