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How to add rich-hover-for-work-item link which are from external system

Muralidhar D (113) | asked Jan 25 '17, 12:38 a.m.


I want to rich-hover for workitem in the links. the links are added manually and the links contain the data of another system(Means a sample created by me  plain html example)  when add those links the rich-hover is not working and we click on the link it is getting redirected to the page mentioned in the link.

Shortly : we need to add rich-hover on user defined links from other systems or static data. How can that be achived in RTC.

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 25 '17, 2:50 a.m.

This is, as far as i know, an OSLC capability that you would have to provide on the side of the external app.

Rational Team Concert as an OSLC service provider
IBM® Rational Team Concert™ provides user interface (UI) elements and operations to applications that consume services from the Change Management (CM) domain for data sharing.
UI elements that Rational Team Concert provides
Rational Team Concert provides the following UI elements for other products to consume in compliance with the CM domain specifications V1 and V2:

    Delegated UI dialog box for the selection of change management resources
    Delegated UI dialog box for the creation of change management resources
    UI previews (compact rendering, rich hover) at displayed links to change management resources
    Factory resource for the programmatic creation of change management resources
    Factory resource for the programmatic querying of change management resources

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