Does anybody has template of test artifacts(Test Plan-TestCase-TCER and Result) from the scratch to update the RQM repository by using Rest API?
Does anybody has template of test artifacts(Test Plan-TestCase-TCER and Result) from the scratch to update the RQM repository by using Rest API?
Or how do you update it from the scratch;
1) We have already created the test plans and test cases in the RQM, we would like to Create TCER and Execution result of existing test cases by using Rest API.
-How do you do it? any suggestions
2. Create Test Plan, Test Cases, TCER, and Execution result (brand new) from the scratch in the RQM respository by using Rest API.
How do you do it? Do you have any template?
One answer
Not exactly sure what you mean "template", but use a GET operation to retrieve an existing artifact of the same type will give you something to start with. Same as in the other thread, you need to read the API specification first.
Thank Donald for your response.
Template means "XML request file" to create the following artifacts by using REST API - put query;
- Test Plan
- Test Cases
-Test Case Execution Result
- Pass fail result
- Links with Test Plan
Using GET, we can get the exiting test case execution result and we can able to modify the result using the PUT operation, However, we want create all the artifacts from the scatch using PUT operation.
Do you have any request file to create these artifacts from the scratch?
I don't quite understand. What kind of "templates" or "request files" do you want? You can just use those you obtain from the GET operation, make necessary changes, and POST them.