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Duplicate values appearing in the BIRT Report

Abhilash M M (1317) | asked Dec 21 '16, 5:59 a.m.
 I am Using RTC 6.0.2 and BIRT 6.0.2 
Writing Report to show all work Items for a Specific Team
whenever i am trying to fetch data same work Item appears multiple Times with same Parameters 
is there any way to avoid this

Thanks for help

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Miguel Tomico (5001423) | answered Dec 21 '16, 7:23 a.m.

Can you provide more information, please?

You are probably selecting certain special columns and not filtering as you should, but can't be sure without more detail.

Try to select only the ID in the Data Source and see if you get duplicates.

Abhilash M M selected this answer as the correct answer

Abhilash M M commented Dec 21 '16, 7:53 a.m.

Data Source is  Jazz Data Source
in the Report layout 

the Table Contains
filters in Dataset are 
and i have Report Parameter for ITERATION_NAME

in the Result Report i have same Work Item appearing 7 Times 

Miguel Tomico commented Dec 21 '16, 8:33 a.m.

I understand you are also filtering by Project Area? Can you please also display the ID to make sure they are duplicates?

What's the Table name you are querying the data from? I don't think it's the WORKITEMS table, as WI_NAME is not present there. Actually I don't recognise that.

I would suggest to simplify the report or even start from scratch. Just select the WORKITEMS table, filter by Project Area, display just the ID and the Summary, and go from there.

Please review all above comments.

Abhilash M M commented Dec 21 '16, 9:49 a.m.

Earlier i was Using APPROVAL  Table
now i selected Data from WORKITEMS Table so now the Issue is Resolved 

Thanks for help

Still not sure how it was Displaying data Multiple Times with that Table

Miguel Tomico commented Dec 21 '16, 10:00 a.m.

It makes perfect sense. You were retrieving the APPROVALS, and NOT the WORKITEMS. The relationship between Work Items and Approvals is 1 -> n (this is, a work item can have several approvals). Therefore, you probably were looking at approvals that belonged to the same work item.

Maybe you need some more self-training in BIRT and RTC to better understand the Table Names in BIRT and how to create reports.

Please mark the relevant response as the Correct Answer if that helped you to fix your issue. Thank you.

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